#include <stddef.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | DB_TYPE_ERROR -1 |
Error in getting database type. | |
#define | DB_UNKNOWN 0 |
Unknown. | |
#define | DB_INGRES 1 |
Ingres. | |
#define | DB_SQL_SERVER 2 |
SQL Server. | |
#define | DB_ORACLE 3 |
Oracle. | |
#define | DB_POSTGRES 4 |
PostgreSQL. | |
#define | LOOK_CHAR 0 |
A string. | |
#define | LOOK_INTEGER 1 |
An integer (precision determines size). | |
#define | LOOK_FLOAT 2 |
A floating point value (precision determines size). | |
#define | LOOK_MONEY 3 |
A currency type - 2dp number. | |
#define | LOOK_VARCHAR 4 |
A string. | |
#define | LOOK_DATE 5 |
A date/time. | |
#define | LOOK_LONGVARCHAR 6 |
A long string (LONG). | |
#define | LOOK_NUMERIC 7 |
A numeric - number held as string. | |
#define | LOOK_RAWDATA 8 |
Raw data. | |
#define | LOOK_LONGRAWDATA 9 |
Long raw data. | |
#define | lookDcValueAs(T, DC, X) *((T*)lookDcValue(DC,X)) |
lookDcValue cast to the appropriate type T. DC is theDescriptor, X is theIndex. | |
Functions | |
int | lookdbabf () |
lookdbabf. More... | |
LOOK_DBC | lookDbConnect (const char *theDatabaseName, const char *theUser, const char *thePassword, int isAutoCommit) |
Connect to the database. More... | |
void | lookDbDisconnect (LOOK_DBC theSession) |
Disconnect from the database. More... | |
LOOK_STMT | lookDbPrepare (LOOK_DBC theSession, const char *theStatement) |
Prepare a SQL statement for execution. More... | |
BOOLEAN | lookDbExecute (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int *theRowsAffected) |
Execute a SQL statement. More... | |
BOOLEAN | lookDbDescribe (LOOK_STMT theStmt) |
Describe a SQL statement. More... | |
BOOLEAN | lookDbOpenCursor (LOOK_STMT theStmt) |
Open a cursor. More... | |
BOOLEAN | lookDbFetchCursor (LOOK_STMT theStmt) |
Fetch a row. More... | |
void | lookDbCloseCursor (LOOK_STMT theStmt) |
Close a cursor. More... | |
void | lookDbDestroyStatement (LOOK_STMT theStmt) |
Destroy a statement. More... | |
BOOLEAN | lookDbCommit (LOOK_DBC theSession) |
Commit. More... | |
BOOLEAN | lookDbRollback (LOOK_DBC theSession) |
Rollback. More... | |
BOOLEAN | lookDbSetActiveSession (LOOK_DBC theSession) |
Set the active session. More... | |
void | lookDsPutInteger (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex, int theValue) |
Put an integer parameter. More... | |
void | lookDsPutFloat (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex, double theValue) |
Put a float parameter. More... | |
void | lookDsPutString (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex, const char *theValue, size_t theLength) |
Put an string parameter. More... | |
void | lookDsPutLongString (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex, const char *theValue, size_t theLength) |
Put an long string parameter. More... | |
void | lookDsPutLongRawData (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex, const char *theValue, size_t theLength) |
Put long raw data. More... | |
void | lookDsPutRawData (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex, const char *theValue, size_t theLength) |
Put raw data. More... | |
void | lookDsPutNULLInteger (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex) |
Put NULL integer. More... | |
void | lookDsPutNULLFloat (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex) |
Put NULL float. More... | |
void | lookDsPutNULLString (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex) |
Put NULL string. More... | |
void | lookDsPutNULLLongString (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex) |
Put NULL long string. More... | |
void | lookDsPutNULLLongRawData (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex) |
Put NULL long raw data. More... | |
void | lookDsPutNULLRawData (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex) |
Put NULL raw data. More... | |
int | lookDsColCount (LOOK_STMT theStmt) |
Count Columns. More... | |
BOOLEAN | lookDsHasResults (LOOK_STMT theStmt) |
Does the statement return results. More... | |
int | lookDsParameterCount (LOOK_STMT theStmt) |
Count the number of parameters. More... | |
void | lookDsSetParameterCount (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theCount) |
Set the number of parameters. More... | |
char* | lookDcFieldName (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex) |
What is the name of the field/column. More... | |
BOOLEAN | lookDcNullable (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex) |
Is the column nullable. More... | |
BOOLEAN | lookDcIsNull (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex) |
Is the field null? More... | |
LOOK_TYPE | lookDcType (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex) |
What type is the column? More... | |
char* | lookDcValue (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex) |
Get the column data. More... | |
int | lookDcPrecision (LOOK_STMT theStmt, int theIndex) |
What precision is the column? More... | |
const char* | lookDbGetLastError (long *theErrorNumber) |
Get the last error. More... | |
int | lookDbGetDatabaseType (LOOK_DBC theSession) |
Database Type. More... | |
BOOLEAN | lookDbSetInterfaceLibrary (const char *theLibraryName) |
Load up the interface library. More... |
This file defines the dbms interface layer, which is a pile of 'C' functions.
dbinterface.cpp defines the version liblookdb is linked with. This is responsible for loading the appropriate dbms-specific shared library/dll at run time and calling the appropriate functions.
The dbms-specific shared library/dll needs implementation of all the functions except lookDbSetInterfaceLibrary. (although if you promise you're not going to use eg raw data functions, you may get away with only a placeholder).
The functions are enough to provide an interface on various dbms - so some of them may well do nothing. When writing a new dbms interface library it is probably wise to look quite hard at the existing ones to see what is necessary.
Close a cursor. Close the cursor for the given statement handle.
Commit. Commit a session/connection.
Connect to the database. Connect to the database. If your database login is handled elsewhere (eg a unix login) theUser and thePassword will probably be empty strings.
Describe a SQL statement. Describe a prepared SQL statement. You must do this after preparing it.
Destroy a statement. Destroy the statement (from lookDbPrepare())
Disconnect from the database. Disconnect from the database.
Execute a SQL statement. Execute a previously prepared statement. Use this for updates, deletes etc - use lookDbOpenCursor() for selects.
Fetch a row. Fetch a row for a statement handle/descriptor. After a row is fetched the data can be retrieved using lookDcValue() etc, one column at a time.
Database Type. Get the database type. This can be eg DB_INGRES, DB_ORACLE. (DB_*, listed in the Defines section) The session handle is required because ODBC for example needs this as it doesn't know what sort of database it is until it is connected. If 0 is passed for theSession, DB_UNKNOWN will be returned if the interface is unable to determine what sort of database it uses until it is connected.
Get the last error. Obtain the error string and error number for the last interface error.
Open a cursor. Open a fetch cursor given a statement handle and a statement descriptor. Ie execute the statement and prepare it for fetch.
Prepare a SQL statement for execution. Prepare a SQL Statement for execution. After preparation you can add any required parameters. You must destroy the returned statement handle with lookDbDestroyStatement when you have finished with it.
Rollback. Rollback a session/connection.
Set the active session. Set the current active session/connection. This is only for use with external database programs eg those which use ESQLC. Other use is now deprecated.
Load up the interface library. Load the appropriate dbms-specific interface library. theLibraryName can be either a) nothing (empty string) b) a short name, eg oci, ingres-ii, odbc or c) a library name, eg liblookdbmsoci.so or fredsoci.so (or dll) If nothing is passed in, a default is chosen. The environment variable LOOKDBINTERFACE is checked and used if present. Otherwise odbc under windows and ingres-oi under unix are used. (one of these is more useful than the other!) The short names are expanded to liblookdbmsXXXX.so (or dll). A library name can be a full path or just the library name. The library found by the normal rules of dlopen or LoadLibrary is used. This may only be called successfully once.
What is the name of the field/column. Returns the field/column name.
Is the field null? Is theIndexth column null? This must be called after a fetch.
Is the column nullable. Is theIndexth column nullable or not (NOT NULL)?
What precision is the column? Before a fetch, this is the precision of theIndexth column? After a fetch it is the data size. Eg int, float are (often!) 4.
What type is the column? What type is theIndexth column? Valid types are LOOK_CHAR, LOOK_INTEGER, etc. (LOOK_*, listed in the Defines section)
Get the column data. Get the column data. This is valid intil the statement is closed, the next fetch or the next lookDcValue(). The data is char*, however it needs casting to an appropriate type based on lookDcType() and lookDcPrecision().
Count Columns. Count the columns in a result set.
Does the statement return results. Updates, inserts and deletes don't have results, selects do. This tells you which you have. (so you know whether to execute or opencursor).
Count the number of parameters. Count the number of parameters in the SQL Statement referred to by theStmt. (these are marked by "?" in the original statement) I think Ingres can't count them on its own, hence the set function.
Put a float parameter. Bind a double float to theIndexth parameter for the given parameter descriptor.
Put an integer parameter. Bind an integer to theIndexth parameter for the given parameter descriptor.
Put long raw data. Bind some binary data to theIndexth parameter for the given parameter descriptor. The data can include nulls. This is for LONG RAW columns.
Put an long string parameter. Bind an string to theIndexth parameter for the given parameter descriptor. The string shouldn't contain embedded nulls. This variant is for LONG columns.
Put NULL float. Bind a NULL value to theIndexth parameter for the given parameter descriptor. The parameter was otherwise a float (double).
Put NULL integer. Bind a NULL value to theIndexth parameter for the given parameter descriptor. The parameter was otherwise an integer.
Put NULL long raw data. Bind a NULL value to theIndexth parameter for the given parameter descriptor. The parameter was otherwise an LONG RAW
Put NULL long string. Bind a NULL value to theIndexth parameter for the given parameter descriptor. The parameter was otherwise a LONG.
Put NULL raw data. Bind a NULL value to theIndexth parameter for the given parameter descriptor. The parameter was otherwise a RAW.
Put NULL string. Bind a NULL value to theIndexth parameter for the given parameter descriptor. The parameter was otherwise a string.
Put raw data. Bind some binary data to theIndexth parameter for the given parameter descriptor. The data can include nulls. This is for RAW columns.
Put an string parameter. Bind an string to theIndexth parameter for the given parameter descriptor. The string shouldn't contain embedded nulls.
Set the number of parameters. Set the number of parameters in the SQL Statement referred to by theStmt. (these are marked by "?" in the original statement) Ingres needs this setting, others ignore it.
lookdbabf. Something to do with ingres 4gl?